Here is what we have to offer to you
All our offers
Here is the page where we will list and explain all the services or offers we have prepared for you. Be free to contact us if you want to know more or you want to schedule a flight. At any given moment, we are here for you and we will take you anywhere you like, worry-free and in style.
Newest and the best technology
Transcontinental flights

Caribbean Sunrise
Transcontinental flights are ideal if you need to reach the opposite side of the world in hours.
These flights are ideal and perfect if you are a businessman or you want to travel as far as you can instantly. With our long-range airplanes, you can reach every single corner of the globe almost instantly and you can be with your loved ones, complete business tasks and more without any limitations.
Every single passenger can carry 20 pounds of luggage without additional cost or any limitations.
There are no limits. You can travel from the United States to any other country in the world.
Fly with style
VIP flights you will love

Interior Design
VIP flights are the best of the best and they are great if you want to be noticed and to enjoy all the luxury in the air.
As a part of our VIP services, we offer special airplanes that were specifically optimized and organized for this type of flights. You can enjoy the maximum luxury while in the air and you can have great experience without any distractions. For this service, we have special pilots as well, who have even more experience and who are ready to meet any requirement.
There are no limitations when it comes to luggage. You can carry as much luggage as you like.
VIP services apply and affect all possible flights we have to offer, short and long range flights are applicable.
Get to your desired destination today
All types of flights you will ever need
We have prepared all types of flights you will need. With us, you can flight far away, or to the next city, it is up to you. We are always available to accept your desire and to meet your requirements. We always offer professional, safe and reliable services so you can enjoy while traveling or while on a business trip. Regardless when and where, we are here for you and we are ready to assist you.